Changes - These pages have moved to where there are no annoying adverts, pop-ups or spyware and it responds quicker too!

Date Comment
24/11/98 First published
15/9/99 Pictures illustrating Scammonden, Baitings, Three Sisters and Ty Croes courses
30/9/99 Site and URLs for Loton/Hagley & District have changed
19/11/99 Got rid of the framed borders - navigation buttons all at end of pages
20/11/99 Added events in 2000
1/12/99 Added ANWCC 2000 registration form
2/1/01 Added events in 2001
6/6/01 First results of 2001
25/9/01 Aintree records
20/11/01 Check these videos or sprinting further south:
17/12/01 Links to videos of Aintree and Ty Croes.
3/1/02 Updated ANWCC event details (e.g. includes East Fortune)
18/9/02 Email contact address changed.
10/02 Lost job & website left defunct for a year or so.
3/1/04 Back online again & hope to keep it up to date.

hillclimb and sprint homepage hillclimb and sprint photos hillclimb and sprint Mallock
 ANWCC hillclimb and sprint sd34b.gif (1380 bytes)
Aintree sprint track New Brighton sprint track Three Sisters sprint track
 Baitings Dam hillclimb  Scammonden Dam hillclimb
Ty Croes sprint track news sprint and hillclimb links
search hillclimb and sprint Van Diemen link